Revenent Defence Corperation [R.D.C]

Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive [I-RED]

CEOJohn RevenentTax rate0.11999999731779%
Alliance Ishuk-Raata Enforcement DirectiveHeadquarters

Alliance history

Revenent Defence CorperationIshuk-Raata Enforcement Directive2018-11-30 04:412025-03-03 23:156 years, 3 months, 1 day, 18 hours and 34 minutes
Revenent Defence Corperation404 Alliance Not Found2016-04-29 03:252018-11-30 04:412 years, 7 months, 1 day, 1 hour and 16 minutes
Revenent Defence CorperationIshuk-Raata Enforcement Directive2009-02-12 05:292016-04-29 03:257 years, 2 months, 16 days, 21 hours and 56 minutes
Revenent Defence CorperationThe Omni Federation2007-08-31 05:532009-02-12 05:291 year, 5 months, 11 days, 23 hours and 36 minutes
Revenent Defence CorperationFreelancer Alliance2007-08-06 04:232007-08-31 05:5325 days, 1 hour and 30 minutes
u'The Revenent Defense Corporation (RDC) is an Ishukone-affiliated capsuleer entity currently focused on securing and expanding the assets and influence of the Ishukone Corporation in the Black Rise region, in addition to providing stability to the volatile region on behalf of the Caldari State. RDC employs all forms of industry, trade, and military exercise to achieve these goals.

\u2666 Public Channel: Red Steele
\u2666 Roleplay Channel: I-RED Public Lounge
\u2666 Recruitment Status: Open
\u2666 Contacts: John Revenent, Korsavius, Katrina Oniseki

Caldari State supporters.

Interested in a career with RDC? Join our public channel Red Steele.

Disclaimer: We don\'t gank, we just apply force in a disproportionate manner during an uneven tactical combat situation to maximize revenue and increase shareholder value. '



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